Olive Juice
Play with style
Olive Juice
Play with style
live Juice is a children’s boutique clothing collection inspired by classic American styles and silhouettes. We created a brand that captures the classic-yet-playful design ethos of the clothes themselves — and the kids that enjoy them. Branding efforts included the creation of their icon (“the OJ girl”), logotype variations, their tagline and creative copywriting for the catalog and website.
Famous Services: Branding, Logotype & Mark, Photography, Copywriting.

We produced seasonal catalogs always photographing neighborhood kids instead of models, whether it was in Philadelphia, Florida or wherever the next shoot would take us. Rather than having children posing like young adults, we encouraged mischief and play. We let kids be kids and captured their true spirit while decked out in the latest line of Olive Juice apparel. The visual design of the catalogs matched that young, playful spirit with light typography, bold colors, playful illustrations and whimsical writing.

Creative Direction: Tim Singer, Tami Seymour
Design: Tim Singer
Location Photography: Tami Seymour
Studio Photography: Chris Meck
Writing : Tim Singer